Don your headphones and follow this link from your desktop browser: EXODUS
Once settled in and facing out the window, take a deep breath in, and with a deep breath out: exhale, see what your condensation brings to the screen.
Exodus is an immersive sound sculpture, created by Octavia in collaboration with London-based theater artists Elizabeth Gunawan and Jack Parris for the Electric Dreams Festival, summer of 2020.
"If you trace the back of your skull, you will find a door. Open it, and cross over. I will meet you there. You will see me, the lone horse stamping in the graveyard."
The world has ended, and the only thing left standing is a microphone in the last theatre on earth. The music is a requiem to the things we have destroyed as a human race, and a hopeful challenge to everyone about our legacy to those who come after us.
Part beat poetry and part radio play, Stampin’ in the Graveyard is an immersive audio journey that invites the audience to experience the apocalyptic world of the last theatre on earth - your own imagination.
Disconnect from a hyperstimulated digital world, and enter into a cinematic and embodied experience that will connect you to the world."
“Beautiful poetry and soundscapes ... The dreamy loops and subtle effects create a fascinating and appropriate glimpse into the world of the last theatre on earth”